Mount Vernon Triangle Community Improvement District Holds Annual Meeting


MVT CID Joins with Deputy Mayor Kenner & Councilmember Allen to Report on Community Growth; Economic Activity

The Mount Vernon Triangle Community Improvement District (MVT CID) today joined with DC Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Brian T. Kenner, and Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen to update stakeholders, recognize outstanding board leadership and renew members of the Board of Directors at its Annual Board and Membership Meeting at L’Hommage Bistro Francais at 450 K Street, NW in Washington, DC.

The annual meeting provided an opportunity for MVT CID stakeholders to network and celebrate the year's initiatives and programs. After a warm welcome from host Hakan Ilhan, owner of L’Hommage Bistro Francais, MVT CID Chairman, Dr. Joseph Evans made introductory remarks followed by a State of the CID address from MVT CID President and CEO, Kenyattah Robinson. The keynote address was given by Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Brian T. Kenner and the annual Clean Team award presentation was made by Councilmember Charles Allen andMVT CID Director of Operations, Leon Johnson. MVT CID Secretary of the Board, Dr. Ivory Toldson, presented the annual Public Service Award to Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Senior Director, Real Estate and Facilities and MVT CID Board member, Mark S. Wood.

“Mount Vernon Triangle is experiencing unprecedented growth, not only in terms of new development, but also in the breadth and impact of our retailers and restaurants,” said MVT CID President and CEO, Kenyattah Robinson. “In the coming year, we expect to continue our Clean Team partnership with Central Union Mission as we ensure a clean and safe neighborhood, welcome multiple retail and office tenants in addition to new residential neighbors, plan for important green and park spaces and sponsor events that further strengthen the fabric of our vibrant neighborhood.”

Public Service AwardEach year, the MVT CID has recognized an individual in the community who, through their leadership, has improved the public experience. Mark Wood, CFM, Senior Director, Real Estate and Facilities at the AAMC and an MVT CID Board and Executive Committee member, was presented this year’s Public Service Award for Outstanding Leadership and Dedication to the Community. Mark has provided steady and dependable counsel and guidance in all areas of CID operations since joining the MVT CID Board of Directors. He has established himself as a reliable leader and voice to the Board and staff, serving as Chair of the Property Managers committee and advising the CID on matters as varied as the budget and readiness preparedness. Mark spearheads an initiative to assist the Police Foundation with the hiring of local deserving youth and has hosted AAMC “safety first” meetings with the Metropolitan Police Department and local first responders. Mark is the eleventh recipient of the CID’s highest honor, joining the ranks of other outstanding leaders who have received this award.

Board Members and Annual ReportThe following Board Members were voted on for a three-year term and confirmed today:

Rev. Dr. Joseph N. Evans, Senior Pastor, Mount Carmel Baptist Church

Dr. Ivory A. Toldson, Condominium Owner, 555 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Mr. Berkeley M. Shervin, President/Owner, The Wilkes Company

Ms. Yvonne L. Williams, Chair, Board of Trustees, Bible Way Church

Economic Development Summary The MVT CID released its FY15 Annual Report today and presented the economic development summary. The MVT CID is experiencing a surge in retail openings and announcements and the advancement of important development plans for commercial projects on key sites in the Triangle.

Approximately 48,000 square feet of new retail has been signed and/or opened since January 2015. New restaurants and retailers include:

  • Ray’s Hell Burger Too
  • RPM Italian
  • Devon & Blakely
  • Alta Strada
  • Orangetheory Fitness
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Ottoman Taverna
  • CVS (655 K Street)
  • Shouk
  • Pie 360

Residential developments totaling 370 units have been either delivered or are under construction:

  • 460 New York Avenue condominiums
  • 1031 4th Street apartments
  • 455 Eye Street apartments

Recent office leases include:

  • The DC Bar Association

The MVT CID FY 2015 annual report can be downloaded at or picked up at the MVT CID office at 457 Massachusetts Avenue, NW.

About The Mount Vernon Triangle Community Improvement District

The Mount Vernon Triangle Community Improvement District is a private, nonprofit organization established to enhance the overall quality of life for all members of the community including residents, visitors, business owners, and property owners in the Mount Vernon Triangle neighborhood in Downtown DC. The Mount Vernon Triangle is considered to be one of Washington DC’s best examples of a mixed-use community, a vibrant neighborhood in the heart of the City—both geographically and culturally. Its boundaries include 17 blocks within the East End of downtown Washington, D.C., bordered by Seventh Street to the west, Massachusetts Avenue to the south, New York Avenue to the north and New Jersey Avenue to the east. The Mount Vernon Triangle is a welcoming, authentic, and centered neighborhood that mirrors the City’s unique mix of historic and modern buildings, longtime and new residents, and diverse cultures, restaurants, and urban experiences. For more information, we invite you to explore our website at or follow us on Facebook at, Twitter @MVTCID, Instagram and Flickr

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