Delmarva Veteran Builders, the region’s only commercial construction firm dedicated to bringing employment to U.S. Armed Forces Veterans, announced the completion of the new construction project for an outdoor amphitheater that will also serve as a chapel at Akridge Scout Reservation at 1910 Baden Powell Way in Dover, Delaware.
“It was a great experience to see the reactions from people who attended the ribbon cutting of the new amphitheater,” said Lee Beauchamp, Delmarva Veteran Builders. “Many of our team members have been through the scouting program and understand and value and the significance of the organization still to this day in their daily lives.”
Delmarva Veteran Builders built the single story structure for an amphitheater that covers seating for 350 people,outside seating for 700+ and additional seating on the grass area which will bring total capacity to 2,000 people. The open air stage is positioned lake side, as to make the lake the back drop for performances with sloped seating. Kent County Parks and Recreation was also exploring the option to build a similar facility and made the decision to partner with the Del-Mar-Va Council to share the new amphitheater for local performances. The facility will be host to outdoor performances, church groups and community organizations.
“The amphitheater project turned out exactly as we had envisioned, beautiful and impressive in scale,” said Ray Teat, director of support services, Del-Mar-Va Council, Boy Scouts of America. “The DVB team worked through every kind of weather imaginable to ensure that the project was completed in time for our dedication event and delivered it on budget. The amphitheater project was constructed with such caring for the end product, you might have thought that DVB was going to own the building.”
For more information, visit www.delmarvaveteranbuilders.com.