Dominion Consulting to Provide Support for the VA’s Migration to the USDA’s Financial Platform


Dominion Consulting, a technology and management consulting firm, has been awarded a contract to provide Independent Validation & Verification (IV&V) support for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) systems migration to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Momentum Platform.

The VA selected the USDA as its federal shared service provider to help the Department replace its existing mainframe legacy financial system with the USDA’s more modern financial management platform called Momentum. The transition will help the VA focus less on maintaining its existing systems and become more mission-focused. This migration makes the VA the largest external organization to transfer to the USDA’s Momentum Platform and will set the standard for future migrations.

As the USDA’s current platform IV&V vendor, Dominion Consulting has extensive knowledge of the migration process. The firm will support the initial Discovery Phase, providing crucial assistance to the USDA over the next six to nine months. During this phase, Dominion Consulting will utilize the Unified Shared Services Management (USSM) M3 Playbook and an agile approach, along with multiple concurrent sprint teams, to establish a consistent and repeatable process for future customers.

“We are very excited to be a part of this migration and continue our work with the USDA,” said Dan Maguire, President of Dominion Consulting. “We are focused on making this migration as seamless and successful as possible for the USDA, the VA and all future customers.”

After completing the initial Discovery Phase, Dominion Consulting will continue its work by providing key assistance throughout the entire lifecycle of the contract.

About Dominion Consulting:

Dominion Consulting, formerly IBC, a DBS Company, is a technology and management consulting firm that connects ideas with innovative solutions to help organizations get from where they are now to where they want to be. Dominion’s people possess the exceptional knowledge of technology, agile thinking and strategic vision needed to help its clients make better decisions and achieve their goals. Dominion is forward-thinking; delivering high-value business transformation services to public sector

and non-profit clients that help them adapt to change and evolve into the future. For more information, please visit

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