Robin-Eve Jasper
NoMa BID Board of Directors Initiates Search for Successor
The NoMa Business Improvement District (BID) has announced that its President, Robin-Eve Jasper, is stepping down after leading the organization since 2011. The NoMa BID Board of Directors has formed a Search Committee for her replacement and engaged The McCormick Group to facilitate the search for a new President to lead the NoMa BID. Jasper will remain in her role until a successor is named, and maintain responsibility for the ongoing daily management of the NoMa BID while helping to support the search.
Jasper has served as NoMa BID President since 2011, as well as President of the NoMa Parks
Foundation, a 501c3 and sister organization to the NoMa BID which she was instrumental in founding in 2012 to build welcoming, sustainable, beautiful spaces. Jasper led the successful effort to secure $50 million in public funds needed to buy land and deliver one-of-a-kind projects in the park-starved area. While Jasper plans to turn over the reins of the NoMa BID to new leadership, she will continue in the role of President of the NoMa Parks Foundation.
“Robin-Eve has been instrumental in helping to create a vibrant, connected community in NoMa and her success has benefitted NoMa and adjacent communities,” says Aisha Bond, Director of North Capitol Main Street. “Her leadership paved the way for NoMa to become the focal point for a wave of growth that continues to significantly improve Washington, DC’s overall economy.”
“We thank Robin-Eve for her dedication and thought-leadership which has helped transform NoMa into a vibrant, arts-oriented community where 12,000 people now call home and 66,000 people work for the technology, media, non-profit and government employers which have chosen to locate their offices within the BID boundaries” notes Brigg Bunker, Chairman of the NoMa BID Board of Directors and Managing Partner at Foulger-Pratt.
“I’m honored to have served as NoMa BID President, overseeing the transition of NoMa into the creative, energetic and welcoming community that it is today,” said Jasper. “I want to thank the development community, NoMa BID Board and staff, and visionary city and community leaders who have supported our work over the past decade to improve the lives of longtime residents and revitalize this once-forgotten area,” said Jasper. “I look forward to turning the reins over to the fresh perspective of a dedicated new leader who cares about the future of NoMa as deeply as I do. I remain excited to finish up the work of delivering great, green and public spaces in NoMa through the Parks Foundation’s terrific public-private partnership with the DC government and also to a new chapter in my career that has been filled with engaging challenges and important work.”
Jasper’s work in NoMa preceded her presidency at the NoMa BID for she worked for one of the first office developers engaged in the neighborhood and was part of the team which helped to form the NoMa BID in 2007. Drawing upon her career experience as a corporate lawyer, commercial real estate developer, policy geek, and non-profit affordable housing developer, Jasper used her negotiation, facilitation and legal skills to secure buy-in for the establishment of the NoMa BID in record time and begin NoMa’s transformation into a vibrant, mixed-use, tight-knit community where newcomers and new businesses would find desirable and choose to join longtime rowhome residents as neighbors. Today, 65% of buildable space in NoMa is complete with 10% more under construction, compared to a buildout of just 42% in 2011, when Jasper became NoMa BID President.
For further information, as well as to provide recommendations to NoMa BID’s Search Committee, please contact Elizabeth Humphrey, Managing Principal, The McCormick Group, ehumphrey@tmg-dc.com.
About NoMa BID
NoMa is a vibrant, growing neighborhood in Washington, D.C., nestled among Union Station, Shaw, Union Market, and the H Street NE corridor. Already, NoMa has almost 22 million square feet of commercial, residential and retail space, and each day, even during the current public health emergency, NoMa’s commercial core remains active with workers, residents and visitors, and the NoMa BID helps to encourage people to practice safe social distancing and wear masks. Through a public-private partnership with the D.C. government, the neighborhood is receiving great new parks and public spaces. NoMa is also the city’s most connected neighborhood, with a Walk Score of 92, stellar cycling infrastructure, unparalleled rail options, two Metro stops, and vehicular access to major highways. The NoMa BID organizes and sponsors dozens of free community events each year and also maintains a free outdoor WiFi network. For more information, visit nomabid.org and sign up for our newsletter. Follow us on Twitter (@NoMaBID), Instagram (@noma.bid) and LinkedIn and like us on Facebook (@NoMaBID).