Last January, when we began construction at our second headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, we could not have imagined how different the year would look. Today, this work continues under extraordinary health and safety measures. Despite many of our employees working from home at this time, we view our Arlington headquarters as a long-term investment, and we remain committed to creating 25,000 jobs and investing $2.5 billion in Arlington over the next decade.
Now more than ever, the challenges of the past year reinforce the importance of being both part of a community and a supportive corporate citizen. We’re thankful for the warm welcome that Arlington neighbors, elected officials, civic leaders, local businesses, and nonprofits have extended to us. With their guidance, we’ve donated more than $19 million to local nonprofit organizations over the past two years and continue to support our neighbors and employees during the global pandemic. Most recently, we announced a $2 billion Housing Equity Fund, which, to start, will help to preserve and create more than 1,300 affordable homes in Arlington’s Crystal City neighborhood, in partnership with the Washington Housing Conservancy, with more investments to come.