This Week in Jobs DMV: Popping Bottles Edition

It’s taken some 14 months, but the surge in takeout sparked by the spread of COVID-19 has caused a shortage in ketchup packets. Prices have soared by 13% since the start of the pandemic, and restaurant owners tell The Wall Street Journal that they’re now “hunting high and low” for the tasty tomato-sugar shots of flavor.

No shortage of goods here, though: Ketchup on the latest below (sorry …).

The coronavirus pandemic was not kind to many entrepreneurs. But one group was disproportionately impacted: Women seeking venture capital for their startups. Through the first three quarters of 2020, companies with at least one woman on the founding team saw year-over-year funding drop by nearly a third. All male teams, by contrast, saw just an 18% dip. Clearly this disparity demands attention, which is why through April 2021 — Funding Women Founders Month — will be doing data dives, startup check-ins, founder and investor profiles, and stories on venture capital trends with gender equity in mind.


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