Daniel Neal
While there are a whole host of companies specializing in the quickly-growing digitalization space, Kajeet CEO Daniel Neal thinks that many tend to miss the human, behavioral element of how people connect to tasks at school and at work.
“A common mistake is to not go all the way through to the very end user and the actual things that are happening in the life of the human who is involved in the stuff that’s made digital, rendered digital and delivered digitally. It’s really the human element,” Neal told Technical.ly.
Neal founded McLean, Virginia-based Kajeet in 2003, but what started out as a company developing cell phones with parental controls turned into a larger effort to close the overall digital divide. Now a 250-person growth company with about 3,100 customers across the U.S., Kajeet covers a lot under the umbrella of digitalization efforts. It works with K-12 schools, colleges and universities, nonprofits, public libraries and companies in anything from creating cloud software for management and analytics to overall digital integration efforts and infrastructure. It works with providers of broadband access on school buses (and even an airport jitney!), but also offers options to control what times and sites students can be on when using school laptops, and protects districts from ransomware attacks.