Moving to Cloud Voice? How to Ensure 'Day One' Success


Jeff Nolte, President and CEO of CTS in Millersville, MD

Moving your voice communications to the Cloud helps your business achieve its goals with the added benefits of better team performance, mobility, flexibility and savings.

To make your transition to the Cloud easier, your local technology partner should offer a Cloud Deployment Support package that takes care of all the preliminary details. Usually, there are two companies that are involved in this process: the Cloud service provider and your local technology partner.

The Cloud Service Provider Team gets the process started with...

  • Professional system design services
  • Project management and guidance
  • LAN system requirements
  • Data collection
  • Gathering of phone numbers to be ported
  • Set up of the online service management portal

Your Local Technology Partner is responsible for...

  • Assigning a dedicated project manager and interfacing with the Cloud service provider
  • Deploying technical experts to your site to assess LAN VoIP readiness
  • Assisting with data collection
  • Configuring the data switch and firewall
  • Implementing best practices in system design and call routing
  • Deploying and testing desk sets

Leading up to a Successful Day One...

On the day of cut-over, your technology partner should have the project leader on-site to set up a live group training class to ensure a smooth transition to the new system, and then be available for hands-on user training.

Voice Communication is critical to the success and smooth operation of your business. Ask your technology partner for a complete walk-through of its Cloud Deployment Service to ensure there are no surprises on Day One.

Jeff Nolte is President and CEO of CTS, a leading Voice and IT services provider based in Millersville, Maryland. He may be reached at (800) 787-4848 or Visit:

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