Dr. Anthony Fauci and GBMC’s Dr. John Chessare Discuss Lessons Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic During Virtual Meeting


—Monumental Meeting Released on the Same Day as GBMC’s 55th Anniversary—

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and member of the White House Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force, joined John B. Chessare, MD, MPH, President and CEO of the GBMC HealthCare System, in an approximately 30-minute, taped virtual discussion on COVID-19's recent resurgence, tracking and testing efforts, and our nation’s path to overcoming the pandemic. The discussion took place prior to the announcement that President Trump and the First Lady had tested positive for coronavirus; however, Dr. Fauci’s comments directly correlate to today’s breaking news.

The private, virtual Q&A event, viewed by GBMC leaders and members of the GBMC community, addressed issues that ranged from an update on a vaccine or the possibility of other treatments for the coronavirus, the challenges schools have encountered due to COVID-19, and lessons learned when it comes to preparing preventive measures against future infectious disease surges. Watch the full discussion here.

Dr. Chessare started the event by highlighting the vital role that Dr. Fauci has played in our country’s response to the pandemic and the steady focus on the science of containing and treating the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 60 questions, submitted by members of the medical staff, the GBMC Board of Directors, and the GBMC community, were provided prior to today’s event. The questions, selected by Dr. Chessare, were organized into several themes and led Dr. Fauci to explain that: (Bold numbers are where those messages were made in the video)

  • Most vaccine candidates will require two doses; a “prime” and a “boost.” [12:17]
  • “We could begin vaccinating high-risk populations before the end of this calendar year.” [13:23]
  • “We will not be able to drop masks and social distancing until 3rd or 4th quarter of 2021.” [15:35].

The session ended with a discussion on the upcoming flu season. “I got my flu shot yesterday,” said Dr. Fauci [22:45]. Based on recent evidence from the 2020 Australian flu season, he believes that with flu vaccines and proper COVID-19-related public health practices, “we could essentially take the flu off the table” [24:40].

“I was honored to host this event and to have the opportunity to discuss COVID-19, our healthcare system, and our response to this global pandemic with Dr. Fauci, a world leader in infectious diseases,” said Dr. Chessare. “I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Fauci for his guidance as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, along with his expertise and leadership that has been invaluable these past several months.”

GBMC opened its doors in 1965 after the merger of the Hospital for Women of Maryland and Presbyterian Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. Recently, GBMC was granted approval, by the Maryland Health Care Commission, to build a three-story hospital addition, called The Promise Project. This project will consist of an addition in the front of the main lobby along with 60 state-of-the-art medical patient rooms and additional patient and family amenity spaces, including wellness and patient support areas. Currently, the plan is to break ground during the summer of 2021.

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