Jeff Nolte, President and CEO of CTS in Millersville, MD
When you’re managing a crisis or an emergency occurs, your organization needs a fast, effective, and reliable way to notify the right people and keep others safe.
CTS enables you to broadcast notifications across a broad range of devices, including laptops, desktop PCs and phones, smartphones, paging systems, SMS text, and email to reach your audience.
But don’t save mass notifications for a crisis… Successful organizations across all industries use mass notifications to keep communication channels open all day, every day. Here are some interesting applications to consider as you think about your business:
- Healthcare: Quickly find coverage when short-staffed with group notifications, ensuring patients receive the proper level of care. Request assistance when supplies are running low or send a group message to locate an open wheelchair when a patient needs transport. And let food services know when a family member would like to order an extra meal.
- Field Services: Technicians can notify managers when they’re held up on a job. That lets the company reroute another to the next customer waiting for service. IoT sensors on equipment and trucks monitor asset health and send notifications at the first sign of trouble. Predictive maintenance reduces downtime and repair costs.
- Hospitality: Notify guests via smartphone of special hotel events such as fitness classes, shows, and family events. Update messages on digital displays to provide easy access to information, including and pool hours and special meal nights. Alert staff to scheduling changes and maintenance needs. Improve the stay of VIPs guest by notifying staff of anniversaries or other special occasions.
- Government: Just because your staff is constantly on the move doesn’t mean you can’t communicate every day. Mass notifications quickly update personnel of schedule and event changes, no matter where they are. And receipt acknowledgments let you know when critical team members have read and received the message.
- Education: Alert busy parents up with notifications of emergency and weather-related closures and remind them of upcoming school events. Encourage staff and students to participate in activities like fundraisers and after-hours educational sessions.
- Retail: Notify customers of promotions or special store hours via mass SMS messaging. With IoT, retailers can use mass notifications to communicate with customers through digital displays. They can also advertise price reductions and provide product information so customers can make informed purchases. Sensors alert staffers when inventory runs low so that shelves can be restocked before they become barren.
Getting the word out doesn’t need to be complicated. Think outside the box and leverage new technology to stay connected. Contact us today at: 800.787.4848 or jnolte@ctsmd.us.
Jeff Nolte is President and CEO of CTS, a leading Voice and IT services provider based in Millersville, Maryland. He may be reached at (800) 787-4848 or jnolte@ctsmd.us. Visit: www.ctsmd.us.